Your Three Options


Information About Pregnancy Options

If you’ve recently taken a pregnancy test and the results were not what you were expecting, you may be considering your options. We provide accurate, up-to-date information about parenting, adoption, and alternatives to abortion to help you make an informed decision.

The more educated you are about abortion, the better equipped you’ll be to make a decision. At True Choice, we put your interests first, by giving you factual and relevant information about abortion as well as educational resources. Our and confidential services are offered in a non-judgmental manner, and we recognize that women facing an unplanned pregnancy deserve the best possible support.

Before making any decision about your pregnancy, it’s important to be seen by a medical professional who can provide pregnancy confirmation and health screening to safeguard your reproductive health and help you explore all your options.

We provide important medical services to determine if your pregnancy is viable (approximately 1 in 4 pregnancy ends in miscarriage), date your pregnancy, and provide STD testing and treatment to minimize your risk of infection and other complications. This information can help you understand your options and make informed decisions about your pregnancy.

You have a right to know all your options before making a decision. Call us today at (858) 397-1970 to schedule an appointment. All services are offered at no-cost, and your information is kept private and confidential.


There are various paths you can choose when facing an unplanned pregnancy. It’s important to understand all your options, including parenting and adoption, as well as the potential implications of each choice.


Mifepristone, or RU-486, is commonly referred to as the “abortion pill” and is often used with misoprostol to end a pregnancy. RU-486 is most effective during the first two months of a woman’s pregnancy and is prescribed as a series of two pills. The first pill cuts off progesterone from the womb and causes an embryonic demise. The second pill will induce labor, causing severe cramps, nausea, bleeding and more as the body pushes the embryo out of the uterus.  Often mistaken as Plan B, or the “morning-after pill,” RU-486 does not work for emergency contraception purposes. The abortion pill is different from Plan B. To learn more about the difference, click here.


Women in the first trimester of their pregnancy can opt for the vacuum aspiration abortion procedure. During this procedure, a tool will be inserted into the woman’s body to open up the cervix. Then, a vacuum is used to suction out the embryo. Occasionally, a follow-up procedure is needed to remove additional parts of the embryo from the uterus to complete the abortion.


This procedure can be performed during the second trimester of a woman’s pregnancy. Unlike vacuum aspiration, this procedure is more medically invasive. Before the procedure, a sponge-like material is placed in the cervix so it can begin to dilate. A woman is then given anesthesia, as forceps and suction curettage are used to cut and scrape the fetus from the woman’s body. There are a variety of risks associated with this type of procedure that can be found below.


Just like any medical procedure, there are risks associated with having an abortion. While most risks and symptoms are physical, there is a chance for emotional repercussions as well. Some common risks associated with abortion procedures include:

  1. Infection

  2. Excessive Bleeding

  3. Preterm Birth

  4. Infertility

  5. PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

  6. Depression

  7. Anxiety


If you are feeling hopeless or despaired, we want you to know that there is healing and it is possible for you. At True Choice, we offer a variety of post-abortion counseling services to help women through the healing process. We offer one-on-one counseling to women who would like to discuss their abortion in private with one of our trusted and trained staff members. Additionally, we offer group counseling sessions, where a group of women struggling with abortions can gather to talk to and support each other through the healing process. Whatever your needs, True Choice is here to help you overcome your suffering.  You are not alone in your journey. There is hope, help and healing available at True Choice. Schedule an appointment with us to begin your healing journey today.

At True Choice, we believe that you should be informed of all your options, so you can make the best decision for your body. Make an appointment today to discuss your options in a judgment-free, compassionate environment.

Parenting Information

Many women experience a gap between themselves and the parenting education and support they want. This knowledge gap shouldn’t exist – and for women in San Diego County, it doesn’t have to. All you have to do is call True Choice.

With targeted programs and services specifically designed to offer education about pregnancy and parenting, True Choice also offers our unique, personalized service at no cost to you. Since opening in 2000, hundreds of women have received assistance with our pregnancy and parenting education initiatives.

We understand how complex and challenging life can be sometimes. NEXT STEPS can help you achieve your goal. We offer strengths-based advocacy that’s practical and supportive. Your needs are important to us; we want to support you and see you succeed.


  1. Weekly meetings with a patient advocate

  2. Information about a variety of community resources

  3. Help setting goals and creating action plans

  4. This program is of charge

  5. Incentivized program where you earn points to purchase practical assistance like gift cards.

  6. We want you to know you are not alone. We care and are here to support you as you take your NEXT STEPS

Access education materials. Get the help you need. Find refuge in the chaos. Pregnancy and parenting education may seem impossible to find, but True Choice has the personalized woman-to-woman counsel you might be looking for.


  1. Pregnancy development milestones

  2. Topics to discuss with your doctor

  3. Preparing for your newborn

  4. Communicating with your partner

Need to speak with a confidential, compassionate voice that will listen to any questions, and can provide much-needed education and knowledge about your situation? Contact us today. Please note, your identification and personal information will remain totally confidential.

Adoption Information

When facing an unplanned pregnancy, there can be many questions on a woman’s mind, including what options are available to her.

If you are weighing your options and have questions about adoption, we are here to help. We want to provide information about the types of adoptions and the resources available to help you navigate the best decision for you.



  1. The birth parents and adoptive parents share identifying information.
  2. Birth parents can choose the family they think is ideal for their child and have the opportunity to get to know the adoptive family throughout the pregnancy. Over the years, they have the chance to share photos, letters, and visit with the adoptive family.
  3. Open adoption is NOT shared or co-parenting. But, the birth parents have an opportunity to have an ongoing relationship with the adoptive family and the child.
  4. Adoptive and birth families form a close, ongoing relationship that benefits the birth parents, adoptive parents, and most importantly, the child.
  5. Each situation is different. Some adoptive and birth families form a natural, easy connection, have a comfortable ongoing relationship, and become “extended family.” Other birth parents prefer getting pictures and updates over the years.


For birth parents and adoptive parents, semi-open adoption might be a fitting choice for those looking for a “happy medium” between an open and closed adoption.

Semi-open adoptions are called “mediated adoptions” because communication between a child’s birth and adoptive parents is organized through the adoption agency. This communication can be in letters, emails, photos, phone calls, or even in-person visits.

Semi-open adoption is considered beneficial to the adoption triad because there is some communication between all three parties.


A closed adoption is when the adoptive family and the birth parents share little to no contact.

Closed adoption means that any identifying information remains confidential and is often not shared between the birth and adoptive parents.

Even if a prospective birth parent wishes to have a closed adoption, they are still in charge of their adoption plan. If they want to, they can still choose their child’s adoptive family and may even decide to have some contact with them before the adoption.


Adoption Center of San DiegoWebsite:
Address: 3665 Ruffin Road, Suite 205San Diego, CA 92123
Phone: 858-535-3033

Expectant Parent Hotline: 888-307-3340 (Call or Text 24/7)


What We Do


Get a lab-quality pregnancy test, get same-day results, and discuss next steps in a comfortable setting with our caring staff.

Meet privately with a medical professional to verify pregnancy, discuss concerns, undergo health assessment, and review next steps.

Our limited ultrasounds not only accurately date pregnancies but also assist in identifying the best abortion options, all while providing essential emotional support during this time.

Compassionate consultations empower informed decision-making, exploring all options around an unplanned pregnancy.

Evidence-based insights enhance patients’ understanding of fertility, sexual health and family planning.

Personalized screening and treatment services for common STDs, guidance for prevention and effective management.

Delve deeper into your pregnancy decision with a follow-up appointment for personalized guidance toward your goal.

Confidential screening and treatment for common STDs, along with guidance on preventing and managing infections.

Our caring staff offers a safe space to discuss emotions after pregnancy loss. True Choice provides , confidential post-abortion counseling for your well-being.

If you choose to parent your child, we have resources to help you. Learn more about how our pregnancy classes can prepare you for birth and beyond, and how our parenting classes can help you become a successful, loving parent.

We’re here to support you throughout your pregnancy journey. True Choice connects you with practical community resources, including health insurance, social services, and adoption agencies.

True Choice supports young women transitioning through this new phase of life. Accessing help for teen pregnancy is confidential and completely with us.

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