
Fertility Awareness: The Birth Control of Choice

Want to solve the mystery of fertility misconception?   Forty percent of women across all age groups expressed concerns about their ability to conceive. Yet one-third of women were unaware of adverse implications of sexually transmitted infections, obesity, or irregular menses for procreative success, and one-fifth were unaware of the effects of aging. Approximately 40% […]

From the Head to the Heart: Is the short-term fix worth the long-term problem?

Hormonal contraception is one of the most widely prescribed drugs for women but concurrently exposes them to the risks of depression, stroke, blood clots, heart attacks, breast cancer, cervical cancer, liver cancer, infertility, sexual malaise, discomfort, and the demineralization of bones. The World Health Organization classifies oral hormonal contraceptives as a Group 1 carcinogen along […]

A Painful Pill to Swallow : Is the short-term gain of using oral contraception worth the long-term costs?

A normal, pill-free ovulation cycle involves a chain reaction of four hormones: progesterone, estrogen, luteinizing hormone (LH) or follicle stimulatinghormone (FSH) to prepare the body for possible pregnancy and equips the body to maintain the pregnancy. The ovaries grow eggs, the uterine lining thickens, and the body undergoes ovulation, or the releasing of the egg […]

The Morning Aftermath : Is it possible to take the morning after pill and still have an unplanned pregnancy?

Emergency contraception pills like Plan B contain a synthetic hormone called progestin. They prevent pregnancy by delaying the release of the egg from the ovary to prevent fertilization.   According to Dr. Michelle Metz, general obgyn, emergency contraception can make your next period come late or early, and generally, it will be much heavier, and […]

STDs Go Beyond Infections

Is treatment of an STD the end of the infection?   According to the World Health Organization, STDs not only have short-term consequences of infection, but can pose serious threats long-term to a woman’s reproductive health including infertility, cervical cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease, and possible mother-to-child transmission during pregnancy and childbirth. Furthermore, an STI predispose […]

Medical Abortion and Telemedicine

What is a medical abortion? ‍ The medical abortion pill is typically administered to women who are 10 weeks along or less. The pill is a two step process involving two different types of drugs: mifepristone and misoprostol. Together the two drugs force the body to abort the fetus. The whole process could take up […]

I Have An Unplanned Pregnancy: What Do I Do Next?

The Ultrasound Answers the Question Ultrasounds are one of the most integral parts of the decision-making process when it comes to an unplanned pregnancy. If you are uncertain about which choice to make regarding your unplanned pregnancy, were recommend you have a limited ultrasound to answer questions about your potential pregnancy.   What is an […]

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