Birth Control and Your Health

Hormonal Birth Control Link to Nutrition


Studies since the 1970s have consistently shown that hormonal birth control is linked to nutritional deficiencies such as the essential vitamins C, B2, B6, iron, folate, vitamin E and the minerals magnesium, selenium and zinc.

These vitamins and minerals aren’t just essential, deficiency leads to diseases of the gut, inflammatory bowel disease, blood clots, anemia and depression.

Oral estrogen has been shown to modify the pathophysiology of the intestine, contribute to inflammatory processes in the bowel and androgens lead to autoimmune disorders.


Hormonal Birth Control Risk Factors


Low Vitamin B6 levels have been shown to heighten the risks of thromboembolism or blood clots. When left undetected and untreated, it can cause severe issues such as heart attack or stroke.

The risks of blood clots, heart attacks and stroke are greatly increased in patients who are smokers, diabeticor obese but when hormonal birth control is added to the patient’s health history profile, the risks skyrocket.

Hormonal Birth Control and Mental Illness


Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have found that B6 deficiency from hormonal birth control cause a reduction in certain neurotransmitters like serotonin.

Serotonin is a mood influencer so chronic deficiency of serotonin can lead to depression and suicide.

Hormonal Birth Control and Blood Disorders


According to Dr. Bruce Bistrian, a chief clinical nutritionist from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, if B12 is left untreated; it can cause severe neurologic problems and blood diseases.

While 12% of  women experience mild anemia during menstruation, lack of B6 and B12 can contribute to higher risks for iron deficiency anemia with side effects of fatigue, shortness of breath, feeling lightheaded, headaches, and rapid heart rate. This can greatly impact quality of life in women.


What The Future Holds For Birth Control


Even though the effects of birth control can seem subtle, they add up over time. Most women are put on birth control in their adolescence and take it for extended periods of time.

The detrimental effects of vitamin and mineral deficiencies from years and years of birth control are concerning.

By regularly ovulating through natural birth control methods, women protect bone and heart health, improve gut health, lower their risks for depression and allow the body its ability to maintain vitamins and minerals from the food they eat and the supplements they take.


Natural birth control methods


Natural birth control methods are an excellent way for a woman to gain control of both her reproductive health and her overall general health.

Fertility health educators can help a woman gain control of her reproductive health through identifying hormone imbalances that are masked by synthetic hormonal birth control.

Through correcting hormonal imbalances that can cause painful periods, heavy periods, irregular periods and infertility, a woman can better her health and well being.


Alternative Birth Control Resources

At True Choice Medical Clinics, we understand that women are showing more dissatisfaction with the current birth control methods and their adverse side effects.

TCMC offers programs like FEMM education empowering women to achieve hormonal health through charting their cycles while working side-by-side with a medical professional who will help them significantly improve their overall health.

To consult with a certified fertility education instructor, call 858-397-1970 or email [email protected]


Hormonal birth control depletes your body of key nutrients


A Case for Organic Birth Control

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